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App development

Our popular mobile operating systems now include iOS and Android. They have their own programming languages and compilation methods, but their apps have some similar and mainstream development methods: Web App, Native App, and Hybrid App.

Web App

Web apps are easy to develop, efficient, flexible to update, and cross platform. A large number of web applications can be easily adjusted and run on mobile devices.  But there are both drawbacks and advantages. The performance and experience of the Web App are extremely poor (yes, it is), and native features such as cameras, system notifications, and local caching cannot be used.

Native App

Also known as native apps, it is currently the mainstream development method.  It has the characteristics of excellent performance and experience, complete component support, and rich interfaces.  But the biggest drawback of Native App is that it cannot cross platforms, and as many versions as there are, it needs to be developed. Currently, there are mainly two mainstream platforms, iOS and Android

Hybrid App

Also known as a hybrid app.  Hybrid App is more like a hybrid of Web App and Native App.  Compared to pure web apps, Hybrid apps have some ability to access native components (cameras, accelerators).  In fact, among the current mainstream applications, there are very few pure native apps, and the vast majority belong to hybrid apps.